BIL Lesson 12 Lecture Notes


BIL Lesson 12

“The Law and the Tabernacle”

1.     What should the Israelites have done when they discovered their lack of food?

a.     Sought help from God

b.     The Israelites complained again and wished for their life back in Egypt. Do you see any similarities between how the Israelites handled their hardships and how new Christians might handle their hardships?

2.     How did the covenant God meet their need for food?

a.     He sent bread (manna) and meat

b.     Kenyon says that the Israelites were still spiritually dead. Why? How do you become spiritually alive?

3.     Why was the law given?

a.     to govern every phase of their life and to reveal the spiritual death that reigned in the heart of man.

b.     Read Romans 5:20, Romans 7:7, Romans 8:3

4.     Why did God manifest Himself to the people through the smoke and fire, and the cloud?

a.     God manifested Himself so that they could understand Him through their physical senses

5.     What was the purpose of the Tabernacle?

a.     God desired to dwell with his people, but he could not dwell in their hearts because they had not yet received Eternal Life. There had to be a physical place in which they will dwell and could meet him.

6.     How were the materials gathered? Why?

a.     Free-will offerings because their hearts had to be willing to have God dwell among them (God doesn’t force Himself on anyone)

7.     Why was it necessary for it to be according to the exact pattern given to Moses?

a.     The Tabernacle represented and was a foreshadow of Christ

b.     There are 11 Chapters devoted to the instructions for building the temple and only 3 chapters about the Creation of the world. What does that suggest about the importance of the Tabernacle? Why was it so much more important than the creation of the world?- The world was just a stage, the Tabernacle represented the Main Event.

c.      Kenyon describes the Tabernacle as small and intimate, nothing like big auditoriums or even like small churches we have today. Why do you think the Tabernacle was designed in this way?

8.     How did the badger skin covering represent Christ?

a.     They weren’t particularly attractive. Isaiah 53:2 says that Christ had no form or comeliness to the natural man.

9.     Of what in the Life of Christ were they typical?

a.     The severity of His separation from man

10.  Show how the inner curtains represent Christ.

a.     The beauty of Christ (like the curtains) were hidden on the inside.

b.     Blue-heavens, heavenly nature of Christ

c.      Purple-royalty

d.     Scarlet-death/blood

e.     Linen-purity
