BIL Lecture Lesson 2 (9/24)


The Bible in the Light of Our Redemption: Basic Bible Course: E. W. Kenyon,  Ruth Kenyon Housworth: 9781577700166: Books

BIL Lesson 2

“The Creation of Man”


·       Why was man made in the image of God= to have fellowship with Him

§  Ex: can’t have fellowship with a chicken

·       What kind of being is God? What kind of being is man?

§  Spirit- real man created in the image of God

§  Soul- thoughts and emotions

§  Body- what we use to “sense”

o   “Your body is not you. Your mind is not you. You have a mind which you use. You possess a body which you use. Your mind and your body are merely the instruments of your spirit. The REAL YOU.”

·       In what realm was man made to live in= Spirit Realm

·       What example does he use to explain why it would be silly to assume that nothing exists beyond what we can see, hear, touch, taste, or smell?= A fish might as well assume that there is nothing but water.

·       Why does man have to have a will of his own?= God would not be able to have fellowship with us if we were completely controlled by him.

o   Obedience is a result of  love- John 14:21-24

·       Who’s job was it to rule the earth?= man

·       There were 2 creations of man= 1st one: God created Adam. 2nd one: Jesus re-created us.

§  A low-conception of the creation in Adam has given us a low-conception of the re-creation in Christ.

§  2 Corinthians 5:17
