BIL Lesson 5
“Man’s Need of Righteousness”
Righteousness- right standing with God
1. How has God vindicated himself of the charge of injustice?
· Vindicate- to clear oneself of blame
A lot of people use the argument: “God is bad or is not just because he created mankind even though he knew man would sin.”
What was man’s problem? Remember from the last section and the test, we learned that forgiveness of sins alone isn’t enough. Mankind had to be given a new _________. The Nature of God.
2. Why was the penalty of man’s transgression Hell?
Remember* What component of man was made in the image of God?- Spirit
3. What was involved within the problem of God’s injustice toward man?
God must recognize the sin and see that the penalty is paid. (God can’t just sweep sin under the rug.
4. What did God’s justice toward Satan demand?
5. Why was no man able to redeem humanity?
6. Requirements of a Redeemer: must be man, must not be born of natural generation WHY?, Must not possess spiritual death, must stand as the first Adam stood (RIGHTEOUSNESS/ AUTHORITY, must be tempted, must be perfect, must go to Hell, must be a greater being than Satan.
· What is His work on man’s behalf to be? Walk in righteousness as a man, with the ability to pay man’s penalty and conquer sin.
7. What must man’s redemption include? Receiving a NEW NATURE- God’s nature so we could have ___________ with Him. (fellowship)
8. Describe the fellowship between the new man in Christ in God
This question is basically asking what is it like to be saved. To have a relationship with God. If this isn’t your reality, you might have to ask yourself why or if you have a relationship with Jesus at all.
9. Scripture showing..
· Man’s unrighteousness: Romans 3:9-10
· The judgement that rested on man: John 3:36
· Man’s inability to make himself righteous: Isa 59:15-16
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