BIL Lesson 8
“The Abrahamic Covenant”
1. God came and confused their languages so that they would scatter all over the earth.
a. What was the command God gave to Adam and Eve before they sinned?
2. The call was given to Abraham because he had a relationship with God. God called him to leave his family and home because he was surrounded by bad influences (idol worshippers)
3. From the very beginning in every nation, Blood seems to have been looked upon as preeminently the representative of Life.
4. Three reasons for cutting the covenant:
a. Strong tribe and weaker tribe- protection
b. Business deal and one person is going far away- so that they know that they are going to hold up their end of the deal.
c. Blood Brothers
5. Abraham was called the friend of God because he made a Blood Covenant with him.
6. The seal of the covenant was Circumcision
7. ‘Believe”- “Heemeem” believed in- carries the idea of complete commitment to someone, “I am completely committed to you.
8. God asked Abraham to sacrifice Isaac
9. Abraham showed himself to be a true friend of God
10. When God swore by Himself he was saying: “If I don’t keep my promise to you then I become your slave.”
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