BIL L11 Lecture Notes


BIL Lesson 11

“Covenant People in the Wilderness”


1.     Tell of the Passover rite as it was to exist as a memorial among the Israelites.

a.     The Passover was to be a memorial or tradition that would be an everlasting reminder for all generations of their deliverance from Egypt and the Blood Covenant made between them and God.

b.     How did the Passover act as a foreshadow of things to come?

                                               i.     It was all a representation of Christ. The lamb represented Christ. It had to be unblemished and Jesus was our perfect, sinless Savior. It had to be kept on the 10th day and killed on the 14th day @ 3:00- same as Jesus (betrayed on the 10th, died on the 14th)

2.     Skip number 2

a.     What happens after that final plague? How did the Israelites go from rags to riches?

b.     How is the Israelites situation in Egypt connected to the promise in Genesis 15:13-14?

c.      The Israelites were actually very close to the promise land as soon as they came out of Egypt and through Palestine. Why do you think God took them the long way? Do you think God ever takes us the “long way” in life?

d.     How did the Israelites react to hearing that the Egyptians were coming?

3.     What lost authority of man was manifested at the red sea?

a.     The forces of nature obeyed his word. As we stand in the presence of this tremendous miracle, we catch a glimpse into the far past at the time when the first man walked in the realm of God’s ability with dominion over the works of his hands.

4.     Why did God have to visibly manifest Himself to Israel as in the pillar of cloud?

a.     Remember back to our first lessons. There are two kinds of knowledge. What were they? When the fall happened, man was left with only his Sense Knowledge, so God had to manifest Himself to Israel in a way they could see.

5.     What needs did the pillars of cloud and fire meet?

a.     It also served as protection/survival. The temperatures in the desert are so extreme that without that cool shade, the Israelites would not survive the heat. And the pillar of fire was also for survival. The sky becomes a vacuum and the desert becomes extremely cold so the fire kept them warm.

b.     Normally the pillar of cloud was before them, but there was one time that it was behind them. What was that time? It stood between them and the Egyptians. To them it was direction, but for the Egyptians it was darkness.

6.     Describe the land into which God led his covenant people when they left Egypt.

a.     Sinai was a no-man’s land, isolated

7.     Why were the covenant people led to this place?

a.     So God could reveal Himself to them, to teach them how to be free, to teach them how to be leaders and teachers, and to teach them to be dependent upon him.

b.     Poverty mentality

8.     Tell of the incident that took place at Marah.

a.     The water was bitter and the people complained against Moses and God. God turns the bitter waters sweet.

9.     Explain Exodus 15:26-27

a.     God wanted to reveal himself to the Israelites as a healer

10.  What has the knowledge of the blood covenant meant to you?
