Bible Test 3 Recovery


Bible Test 3-Recovery


Write/Draw all three parts of the Bible Timeline from memory on Monday (March 1st) during class time to earn as many points as you need to reach the letter grade above yours. Example: If you made a 70% (D-), then you can draw the entire bible timeline from memory in order to gain enough points to get a 76% (C-). You must draw the entire timeline in order to get credit and you may not earn more than a letter grade above your test grade. All three parts of the Bible Timeline can be found on the Bible Blog or by following the instructions below:


Bible Timeline Part 1: Go to Youtube, type “Bible Basics: Drawing a Bible Timeline (Part 1)” in the search bar or type this link into your browser:


Bible Timeline Part 2: Go to Youtube, type “Bible Basics: Drawing a Bible Timeline (Part 2)” in the search bar or type this link into your browser:


Bible Timeline Part 3: Go to Youtube, type “Bible Basics: Drawing a Bible Timeline: Part 3” or type this link into your browser:
